Contact Tirpitz
Contact information
The vast majority of inquiries are best answered by contacting the main office. Here we can help with booking group visits, put you in touch with a museum curator or answer questions about practical information.
Lundvej 4
6800 Varde
Monday-thursday 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-1pm
Did you know that Tirpitz is part of the Varde Museums?
The Varde Museums are a family of ten different exhibition venues. They offer a variety of experiences and activities between the sea and the moor. From amber to lifeboat stations. From bunkers to refugee stories. From the world's first cooperative dairy to Denmark's first fantasy artist.
Visit them all
– they are closer than you might think
FLUGT – Refugee Museum of Denmark

Visit Tirpitz
Tirpitz is an experience for the whole family. The Danish architectural firm BIG has created the spectacular setting for an attraction hidden under the sand in the protected dune landscape at Blåvand.